Peony Heaven and the weather, possibly from the other side...

The Oshawa Valley Botanical Gardens were simply stunning. The flowers were in full bloom and aroma. The live music and musicians were just delightful to hear and better than the previous year!

To hear all that wonderful jazz and even an operatic singer while showing and selling my custom designed or one-of-a-kind jewels was a lovely treat.
What a wonderful venue... despite the high heat and humidity on Saturday afternoon of 38 degrees in the shade. I was completely drenched when closing up for the day. We even came back to the gardens after our dinner to check that our tent hadn't blown away before heading back to Port Hope. We decided right then and there to also secure my tent to two nearby heavy metal garbage containers (in addition to our 30 pound water bags at every corner post). The next morning it went down an unbelievable chilly 17-18 degrees while setting up, and later on, the winds gust up to 50 kilometers and hour on Sunday afternoon! The wind is way more troublesome for vendors then rain which just keeps people and sales away, but does nothing for all your displays and shelter... and yes, unfortunately, it completely took out one tent that ended up looking like a wire pretzel! I wasn't very calm myself seeing one of my neighbours holding onto his tent, and another vendor who completely took it hers down, thinking it will be all Mary Poppins bound in no time... Crazy weather indeed man. I had to sport a long scarf, long pants and then I had to change from flip flops to socks and booties in the afternoon. The weather, was really, my only big complaint. Otherwise, It was a great show and with some minor tweaking, I should be able to return next year. Cross your fingers for indoor space!

Without sounding cheesy, but what was warming, was seeing all of you who came to visit me here to and who I made connections with, for the commissions, and of course for your purchases! People like Jackie, Debbie, Rhonda, Bill, Donna, Daniella, Cindy, Rick, Susan and Aunt Christine, and friends like Gino and Cathy, Carolyn and Jackie it was so lovey to see you. Thanks Deb (and her friend), Dianna, Donna, Carolyn, and Rhonda and Donald who all came in from Port Hope and Cobourg. A big shout out in Thanks for my lovely loyal clients. I sent an email a week earlier and you were prof that it does work... even without using technological savvy Mail Chimp. Also proving that yes, I am behind and I still have still to learn and implement this stuff... one of these days. Thank you to clients (and friends) like Cathy and new friends like Dee - so delighted to have met you - I'm working on your matching piece this week. And to Emily from Cindy's Alterations I hope we can do some great projects together. I hope you are enjoying your forever blooming peony pendant. Thank you to Rhonda, Emily, Brenda and Dee for the commissions. Thank you to Katrina, Gale, Christine, Emily, Pamela, Donna, Dee, Kasia, Lisa, Lucy, Leslie, Cynthia, Connie, Martina, Lauri, Rhonda, Sharon, Steve, and my sister Barb. Without you supporting me, I couldn't do this. And finally a big thank you, to Drew who bought a beautiful white, silver and grey hand-crocheted bracelet for his wife for their Wedding Anniversary this coming weekend. I am touched by your thoughtfulness to have chosen one of my pieces as your anniversary gift and it was a pleasure to have met you and your wife, and your beautiful 3 months old baby daughter Violet! Drew and his wife make the most amazing blueberry infused hot sauce called Pepper North. Denis had it last night with wings. Thank You Tammy and Tosia for sharing my online posts.
Thanks to everyone and to those whose names I didn't or who I forgot to mention, but just the same, I hope to see you again at another venue. Peggy from Forever Image Durham, Thank you for this photo of me sitting at my booth chillaxin at the end of the second day. Yes, I did deserve to chill... Thanks Pamela who let me photograph her wearing a pair of her newly acquired black and white earrings" They look amazing on her! Anyway, Thanks everyone for such a great weekend!


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